Groundhog was funded by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
Like AsPredicted and ResearchBox, groundhog is brought to you by the Wharton Credibility Lab.
Uri Simonsohn (.htm) wrote the first version of groundhog and then collaborated with Hugo Gruson, an evolutionary biologist (htm), to refine it, improve it, and turn it into a CRAN package. Uri is the sole maintainer of groundhog since version v1.2.0.

Users have provided useful suggestions and identified issues and bugs, contributing to a better groundhog. We thank Dorothy Bishop, Mario Niepel, Diego Reinero, Adam Morris, Johann Jacoby, Sandra Hamel, github:@rutajact, Kevin Beja, and Hedvig Skirgård.

Our GitHub repository:

last update: 2021 03 19